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Character Description Thread 2.0 - Printable Version

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RE: Character Description Thread 2.0 - ruestupid - 10-02-2023

ty faye

[Image: D8Dsh5C.jpg]

RE: Character Description Thread 2.0 - Zyn - 10-02-2023

Alright well- since I know I'm going to struggle to sync up the audio in game, and I do want to display the hours I wasted making these, I'll just put them here.

Talia Ferre

Kazian Mistwalker

(please give me forum rep its the only way i feed the hamster in my brain)

RE: Character Description Thread 2.0 - FayeExclaimed - 10-02-2023

RE: Character Description Thread 2.0 - ZenoRockbell - 10-03-2023

[Image: image.png?ex=651df8f9&is=651ca779&hm=51b...5700dece9&]
One day I'll be able to hit people with the smash mouth mashups in my profile in game  Sad

RE: Character Description Thread 2.0 - MazinGo - 10-04-2023

[Image: image.png?ex=651dc28e&is=651c710e&hm=b4f...80dd20a55&]

RE: Character Description Thread 2.0 - Malek - 10-04-2023

this doesn't seem to work in game sadly even though it worked in verdict 1 but I'm still gonna post it here (this won't autoplay music on chrome, below is the video of how it's supposed to look/sound)

hopefully it can work at some point. idk who this character is I just lucked into a playby with a lot of commercials I could cut together and they all fit the desired vibe™.

RE: Character Description Thread 2.0 - Observer - 10-04-2023

[Image: Dive_Deep.jpg?ex=651e4e7f&is=651cfcff&hm...eddf9ea03&]
I'm a simple creature.
Now if only I could figure out how to make it work in-game...

RE: Character Description Thread 2.0 - Trenton - 10-04-2023

[Image: image.png?ex=653042db&is=651dcddb&hm=5ac...eight=1077]
credit to charles. he wrote something in his language for the filler text since i don't have anything yet and i think that's beautiful.

RE: Character Description Thread 2.0 - Tipsyrooster - 10-07-2023

[Image: baf2ad1f3a6e529180c1db03619f5956.png]

this profile shit is easy

RE: Character Description Thread 2.0 - Prestige - 10-09-2023

[Image: 8hjckiv.png]