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Character Opinion Thread: Galvia Edition™ - Printable Version

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RE: Character Opinion Thread: Galvia Edition™ - Sleazy - 10-27-2023

"She bothers too much with me. I think she is going soft, and that she isn't quite as much of a hard-core people eater as she tries to convey. Or maybe it is all a big ruse. I want desperately to trust her, but it's that same feeling that makes me so afraid of it."

~ Naussavia

RE: Character Opinion Thread: Galvia Edition™ - Eldzen - 10-28-2023

"Has venom to words when count. Something Azulan respect. Living long time, give one perspective worth learning from. See where line between mortality, and not so much is drawn. Yet beneath scales of bark, sense struggle all the same as one short lived. She one want to learn about most, in Mirrors."


RE: Character Opinion Thread: Galvia Edition™ - Sun_Wukong - 10-28-2023

"One of a kind. I think Grogar is a one of a kind around these parts. Welcoming, approachable. I think we need more people like him out here, it could probably make the plane all the more better."

-Xiang Zhao

RE: Character Opinion Thread: Galvia Edition™ - Tipsyrooster - 10-28-2023

"Never heard of them!"

- Hogarth Swinegard

RE: Character Opinion Thread: Galvia Edition™ - Nooneyouknow - 10-28-2023

"His presence is typically quite obnoxious, and my most prevalent memory is of him committing an assault in broad daylight. Though, to give him credit. He seems to be respected among his peers, something many strive for."

- Laurence

RE: Character Opinion Thread: Galvia Edition™ - kowloonwalledcity - 10-28-2023

wha, you mean that no good, depressed looking, cloaked and cowled poet sounding kid? all I can say about him is I respect it, and it reminds me
a bit too much of myself.

-Schad Erlanger

RE: Character Opinion Thread: Galvia Edition™ - kowloonwalledcity - 10-28-2023

rip that was supposed to be an edit

RE: Character Opinion Thread: Galvia Edition™ - King_Doggo - 10-28-2023

Quote:I don't think we've ever met - Perhaps some time in the future. Though I must say, every time I read your name I see it as "Shart Enlarger."

This alone makes you worthy enough for praise.
