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Flamecloak - ElatedAkira - 10-08-2023

The year is.. Well, I actually don't know what the year is, I just know that people start their entries with--
...You get the point.

Anyway, I didn't know what else to name my journal so I'm just going to use the nickname given to me by a rat. Thrikrit.
He called me Flamecloak one day and I-- I'll be honest, does it make me feel cool? Yes. Does it make me feel intimidating? Maybe.
Am I either of those things? Those I've met would probably say no, but let a guy live his fantasy, mhm?


I landed here a few days ago, a bit later than the rest of the Sarean 'refugees'.
And I must say, first impressions? While I don't mean to spit on the history of this City--
It's depressingly bleak. Everywhere I look, everywhere I walk, grey on grey on even more grey, it almost makes me want to gouge my eyes out. Obviously I'm not gonna, since I still need them. But you get the gist.

Navigating the city of Galvia has proven to be a herculean task. I keep getting lost, and the only places I can find are the Ward and the Undercity. That's not a good thing, mind you.
But there's a lovely establishment, however, called Risky's Bar. Most of the time it's just people bashing each other's faces in but, ah, it's a good time. I promise. 

Aside from that, I've found the wilderness enjoyable. I frequent a spot, a bench placed right beside a lovely pond. My sleeping spot, until I get a house with my Mrs. (Yes, I have a wife), ah-heh. Whenever that will be.
Actually, here, I might as well try to draw it. For anyone who might find this book. Which is hopefully no one. Stay away.

[Image: my_sleeping_spot.png?ex=6535108c&is=6522...e148d4b0c&]

Hm. That looked a lot better in my head.
I'm thinking of cutting it short. There's not much else to write about, as I haven't done too much. Aside from trying to join the Divers. Raza Khan is one difficult man to speak with, especially with his distaste for Sareans.
...I'm sure one day I'll get through to him.
- Rowan Stigr

RE: Flamecloak - ElatedAkira - 10-13-2023

I still don't know what year it is.
But it's Autumn, if that helps paint a clearer picture.
And yes, I still go by Flamecloak, although it's lame if I'm the only one ever calling myself by that nickname. So I'll stop doing that. It's cringe, as the people of Galvia say.


I've started settling in the city a bit more. You get used to how monochormatic it is. Is that the right word? Think it is, anyway. But there are always new projects being worked on, from new parks to buildings being remodeled, it's...

Frankly a bit impressive, the rate at which this city works. There's a reason it has stood for so long, through many convergences, and it's not only because of the people, but at how efficient it is. So credit where credit is due.

On the topic of the people, however, most of them are just fine. And that's all I can really say about that. While others are, ah, a bit harder to approach, considering their distaste towards 'Tourists', as we're called. 

But I understand, I would be wary of a sudden influx of outsiders as well.

Me and my Mrs. have yet to move into a house, although we have our eyes on one. If things go well, and the godawful paperwork is signed, maybe we'll see ourselves moving in very soon. It's honestly adorable how excited she is at the prospect of living in the same house as me. I find myself feeling very lucky.

Aside from that, I've finally found work in the city. From a man called Strici. It's not much, but it should be just enough for me to integrate myself-- not as an outsider, but hopefully as a citizen, one day. Hopefully he leaves in a good word to Raza Khan if I manage to do a good job. He said he would. 

...There's also something else I would like to bring up, maybe just to affirm myself, in some way. Lately I've been feeling like I'm being watched. Everywhere I go, like there are eyes glued to me. And I know I am-- I know I'm not insane. I've barely been able to get enough rest because of it and it's... it's starting to hurt my head. I've even started sleeping in some damn cell room in the sewers just so I can try to escape those eyes, but-- it hasn't changed.

...Maybe it's just my imagination.
-Rowan Stigr

RE: Flamecloak - ElatedAkira - 10-18-2023

[Several droplets of dried blood stain the piece of paper, alongside a few nigh-schizophrenic sentences repeated over and over again. They seem to have been crossed out several times, as if to hide them.]

It's cold. I've been left here, still in the oversight of my jailers. Bound to this room like an animal in a cage. I've been thrashing against my shackles, to the point they've dug into my wrists. Coldsteel. A struggle in vain.

The room smells. It smells of blood. Is it mine?

[Curiously enough, there's a drawing of a symbol, archaic in nature-- runelike, on the bottom right corner of the paper.]

You said I would be fine. But I don't feel it. Nothing about me feels fine. Nothing about this feels fine. My mind is loosely drifting from thought to thought. I can barely keep it together in this silence. 

How long will I be in here for?

There is one name which brings me clarity more than any other, however. It manages to abate my uncontrolled rage, and instead gives it direction. Purpose. Donovan Stone. 

When I am released, and I will be. Whether that be in a week, a month, a year or a decade from now. My pursuit will not end. It will last until Eternity, and Eternity Beyond. I will eventually have your head ripped from your damned neck, and raise it in front of Galvia for all to see. 

But for each one of you that falls, another will rise to take their place. I realize that. So I will also offer mercy to any who might want to follow you into your grave. If my mercy is turned away, like it has already been because of that damned lizard, then I will carve my way through each and every one of you, so long as you threaten to take what is mine.

And I will hit even higher still.
-Rowan Stigr