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A Sewer Root's List - Observer - 10-10-2023

A foreigner to Galvia, these individuals lack respect for the local culture. They do not have any desire to learn what it means to be Galvian, they have no desire to coexist with the Galvian way of life nor adapt to join it. Instead a Tourist would rather seek to forcibly change, through vocal communication or violence, the ways of Galvia, so that it will bend to their wishes. They do not know their place, and expect all other places to adapt to them, without realizing that Galvia will not adapt to their presence. Tourists will likely die, be it through many potential accidents, confrontation with the locals, or Abyss diving while unprepared. All foreigners begin as Tourists, and all Tourists are filth that need to be expunged from the city.

One who lives outside of the Walls. These dwellers survive on the land and its challenges. They understand the will of nature, and its chaotic ways, and have come to accept and understand the ways of Galvia. Some Tourists may adapt and become Outsiders.

The Tools of the Gentry. Chains and Nooses that control the Above, sometimes they try to strangle the life of those below, and chain them to the will of the Above. These individuals vary, some are mindless servants (As they should be) to the Councilors or the Gentry. Others however are disillusioned and believe they are there for the people, for justice, for liberty, and for freedom. The greatest enemy of the Chains, is the Chains. For the ones that believe they are here to protect and serve, will inevitably clash with the reality of their true role. To ensure the status quo is maintained.

The antithesis of Nature. Those of Smoke and Mirrors whom stand upon their towers of faux ivory. Made of glass, they utilize a trick of the mind and the eye to maintain Law, Order, and Cohesion. Without the Gentry, the Top would fall to anarchy, and become nothing more than wilds. Such is the fragility of Law. Such is the fragility of bureaucracy.

Misguided, beautiful, living and breathing pieces of the Abyss. They rule the Down Below, mingle with the chaos of the abyss while flirting with the cohesion of the Courts. Many Errants are of the Briars, and all Errants, even those that fail to see their beauty, are revered beings. There is no better person to have at your side, than an Errant, and they are to be adored, cherished, and idolized.

Those who must adapt, and change. The truly Free of Galvia. Fortune and Caution to all Courtless, for they can make their fortune with any court. But they must move with caution, as they have the backing of none. A mixed bunch, ranging from those that understand chaos and nature. To those that only wish to bend to Order.

Thoughts in the making…

Thoughts in the making…

Doctors are two-faced creatures, hiding behind a variety of masks for each patient. After all, a doctor may know how to fix a body… But they also know how to break one. More thoughts to come in the future.

Chaos incarnate. They say there are laws to nature, but there are none. Plants may grow and become invasive. Insects killed en masse can cause economic strife. Rivers may flood when rain does not cease to flow. Wild animals may kill their mates or their offspring, or abandon them to the dust. There are no laws in nature. There is only chaos. There is only madness. There is only death. It is how the world should be.

The Abyss
The Inevitable. The Top Shall become The Bottom.

RE: A Sewer Root's List - Observer - 10-15-2023

I intended for this to be a list of words, of people. And how I define them.

Respected individuals who have seen and experienced more of the Abyss than any known individual could. They do not know it yet, but they are one and the same with the Abyss. Their place is within it, and it is as the Errant Elite said. They will die down in the Abyss. For every road they take, leads to it.

But I find that my thoughts are overwhelming me as of late. To learn that my own body has been trying to kill me for years. That it is the touch of what rests below, where I seek to go, that causes my own being to reject itself. Nature, seeks to kill me. To eradicate my existence. Because I am not of nature, I am flawed. Disgusting.

Snow (Individual)
An Outsider that finds beauty in death and the reasoning for it. She is Samsara's judge, jury, and ultimately its executioner. To express herself physically, is something she finds challenging. She is not human, and although a foreigner, I value her as a rarely seen... Friend, of sorts. I do not view her as a Tourist, even if she can display such behavior at times.

Now my thoughts intermingle between definitions. I have been above ground for a long while now. For Fall to come, and go. And for the start of winter to begin. My visits below were already sparse, since meeting her. But ever since my.. Unique allergy has come to light, my time below has come to an end while I'm being studied and taken care of. I do not know if I hate it up here, like I used to. I do not know if I like it up here.

Rain (Individual)
A Sarean Tourist and Arcanum member, that I know little of. I love to upset and anger her, it is something of a pastime to try and dig my roots beneath her skin (metaphorically) and draw out her ire. Though such encounters are sparse. I want to see more, but unfortunately I do not know how to. I guess I could try speaking with her like a normal person, but... Would that be any fun for me?

I reveled in hearing that people see me as a nuisance. An issue to complain about to the Gentry's bigwigs. It was a thing of satisfaction, like eating something indulgent and rich for the very first time. Such is the way of the Above, instead of dealing with their problems as those below do, they will cry and whine and curl to the ones in charge. Mirror scrubbers. And it brings me great satisfaction to know that some cry and whine about me.

Ash (Individual)
As enigmatic as her compatriot. Where Rain is, Ash is to follow. Where Ash is, Rain is to follow. I believe they are companions in a romantic sense, though I cannot be for sure. Ash was a Tourist, but has joined the Arcanum as one of the eyes. She knows how to play the game, how to act and appeal to others based on their reactions rather than approach with hostility. Beyond that, I know nothing about her. She is even more enigmatic than Rain. Perhaps she is so purposefully.

Grogar (Individual)
One of the Wards doctors. He has a heart that bleeds, even if one may believe him to have a rough exterior (I doubt many if any do). He knows how to enjoy life, his drinks, and introduced me to something called the 'Boof-Boof'. I did grow ill from it, but I have developed my own variation that works for me. I would trust him to perform medical work on me.

She wishes for me to be on my best behavior. As if being up above for so long isn't enough... It is my choice to remain up here, and not force her to come visit me below. I think she would visit me. If her work allowed it, maybe. I'm to refrain from insulting foreigners as frequently as I do. I am to refrain from heckling the Chains (though admittedly I didn't do that enough!) and I am to refrain from shattering a few Mirrors (I would really like to.). It was a request, or a demand. I do not know. The noose tightens around my neck, I am frightened.

Rowan (Individual)
An Outsider that was once a tourist. Though I still feel that there is a 'wannabe hero' lurking beneath his skin, I cannot help but respect that he has adapted to city life. He does not spout so-called accolades, he drinks at Risky's bar. He even earned some sliver of attention from the Briar's and the Errants.. And to my knowledge, he has not given up. Though, he could be a bit more affectionate to his wife in public...

Blue Halo (Individual)
The wife of Rowan. I should ask her, her name. I feel like there is much more beneath her skin that roils and boils. Her positive attitude and attempts to diffuse things are normally something I'd not pay attention to. But I feel like there is something there. A beast, a monster, a creature of seething hatred and rage locked behind the tired exhausted smiles and happy positivity. Maybe I am wrong, but I have never seen someone who seems so... Positive. She has still earned her right as an Outsider, and I believe a member of the Ward, though I am not sure.

I am frightened with how comfortable this noose has become. I do not struggle against it as much as I should. I do not threaten to severe it, as much as I should. I feel like I am losing myself, with every passing day. My goals. My dreams. My desires. Where I am meant to go, and become. Are covered in a fog of indecision. Where I was once confident, I now feel meek. Where I was once in control. I almost feel. Helpless. And yet I am feeling. Fine. With that.

Sedora (Individual)

Salvinia (Individual)

Something is wrong.
And I wonder.
If it will.
Ever be right, again.