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State of Galvia - Tattles - 10-15-2023

[Image: 7cb47e93f11234e8f7b33dc40afc6d84.png?ex=...4ba8d7c44&]
-Year 1056-
  • The City Under the Stars has recently made preparations to accept travelers from all around Rhyst following the Ascent of the Eidolons.
  • The Six Courts have recently met to discuss the events of the city's new crater and the situation that it poses at large for the safety of the citizenry as well as what it means for those dealing with the ruins down below.
  • With the year 1056 coming to an end, many wonder what the future holds as the newly elected councilors take the first steps in leading their people.

This thread is for councilors and other notable figures of authority in and around Galvia to inform other players of updates and important news regarding their status. Posts should ideally take the above format as an example, but if you have a better way to organize it feel free to do so.

RE: State of Galvia - friend - 10-15-2023

[Image: 7YWUeBf.png]
1056 AC

[Image: RpzWtAP.png] [Image: 3Exe3wY.png]
Proclamations declared by Chief Constable Donovan Stone and Forgemaster Harriet Kemble, design produced by Doctor Sybil Crawford


With the influx of Foreigners, Refugees, and Vagrants, activities within the Artificery [THE COURT OF FLAMES] has resulted in an up-tick of Anti-Social, Anti-Galvian, and Anti-Productive behaviour. As a consequence, the Forgemaster of the Artificery [THE COURT OF FLAMES], Harriet Kemble has seen fit to ban the most troublesome of their rank, members of the Island of Sarea.

Effective immediately, lingering within the Artificery for any purpose shall result in expulsion by Constables, or Individuals empowered to ensure safe and secure operation within the Artificery [THE COURT OF FLAMES]

For any inquiries, you may direct all concerns towards myself, the Chief Constable, and the Forgemaster, Harriet Kemble.


Whilst regrettable, recent activities from the Arcanum [THE COURT OF EYES] has lead to a breakdown in functional relationship between them and the Artificery, [THE COURT OF FLAMES] due to a series of unlicensed, unverified, and unnotified testing and procedures involving the members of the Arcanum [THE COURT OF EYES] and the working men and women of the Artificery [THE COURT OF FLAMES] and the Foundry. [THE COURT OF BRIARS]

As negotiations are underway, all members of the Arcanum [THE COURT OF EYES], barring explicit leadership on missions of negotiation, are advised to refrain from entering the Artificery [THE COURT OF FLAMES], as not to sour negotiations underway.

For any inquiries, you may direct all concerns towards myself, the Chief Constable, Grand Magister Magda Edeveain, and the Forgemaster, Harriet Kemble.


As we enter the Winter months, many find little respite from the cold, save for the end of a bottle.

Littering is not permitted anywhere in the City of Galvia, and all are expected to utilize the proper disposal facilities for each and every piece of discarded material. Failure to do so will result in fines, and a deduction of your social standing in the eyes of your peers.

Remember: ruining the beauty of Galvia only ruins yourself!

For any inquiries, you may direct all concerns towards myself, the Chief Constable.

[Image: 7YWUeBf.png]

RE: State of Galvia - Ghazte - 10-15-2023

[Image: k03gb98.png]
1056 AC

Quote:Circulating from what was originally a crumpled piece of paper, the Pit Boss' thoughts and updates on current affairs are reprinted and circulated exactly as written - complete with Khan's sloppy handwriting.

[Image: lQ8OxC9.png]

RE: State of Galvia - Uboa - 10-15-2023

[Image: 6LB7gkc.png]

1056 AC

Drafted with the miracle of technology that is the Gladwell Type-Writer, bulletins are circulated throughout the Court of Flames and the wider Galvia city-state, free of charge -- the better to inform you, dear reader, on the latest developments in Galvia's burgeoning industries!

General Affairs

  • Production of arms and armour continues apace, with a stunning tenfold increase in weapons manufacture accomplished from last year in what can only be described as an armaments miracle, taking into account recent material shortages and Galvia's economic recession. Weapons are available at minimal prices from all reputable storefronts, with Forgemaster Harriet Kemble assuring that higher-quality products will be sold to the public 'the instant they are ready'.

  • The up-and-coming establishment Risky's Business has proven both an outstandingly popular success, and a site of unrivalled controversy! While it's managed to rapidly attract the patronage of both undergrounders and visiting top-siders, rarely a day goes by without some manner of violent altercation on the premises, with even some rumours of Ironcoat raids taking place on suspicion of criminal regulars. Risky's Business takes no responsibility for harm incurred by clientele, and encourages any and all customers to visit, provided they are permitted within the Court of Flames' territory.

  • Are you a hard-working, industrious Galvian looking to put your skills to use in the most prestigious union of builders, inventors, and engineers in the city? The Court of Flames is always recruiting those with the grit, tenacity and spirit of industry to make a positive difference to Galvia's future. Get in touch with Forgemaster Harriet Kemble for a free evaluation!

Scholars and Sareans -- A Sudden Stoppage

Many will be aware of the recent prohibition on both Arcanum researchers and Sarean migrants, the latter of which have influxed into Galvia in force across the past few months, on entering the Court of Flames' territory. In this special edition, we've secured an interview with Forgemaster Harriet Kemble herself, to offer her reasoning and perspective on this prohibition.

Forgemaster Kemble's words have been transliterated to be accessible to a wider audience, owing to her uniquely Lower Galvian dialect.

Forgemaster Kemble -- could you offer a summary as to recent events which led to this startling ban?

The Courts of Eyes and Flames have enjoyed a positive, if often competitive relationship, for many years now in our mutual quest to secure the technological future of Galvia. However, regrettably, recent incursions by the Court of Eyes have significantly strained relations between our Courts. These include drawing blood from Errants within Flames' territory, in a bid to 'cure' the 'mutations' incurred upon them by the Abyss. To this end they used false promises of coin to encourage participation in their research, only to renege on said deals upon the revelation that they could not pay the price they themselves had set. Equally have there been  attempts to influence Flames-led businesses for personal research agendas, with similar offers of monetary compensation.

Likewise, certain researchers -- who shall not be named out of respect for their privacy -- have been forthright in attempting to pressure the Flames to sanction and provide material aid towards research projects  based upon dubious hypotheses, such as the ability of the anti-magical metal Wolfram to repel Abyssal incursions, despite its lack of recorded effects on Errants affected by the Abyss, or previous signs of Abyssal reaction to the metal. Not only would this research divert valuable time and resources away from our current project of producing high-quality arms to better defend against the Abyss, there has been little offered in the way of proof that such research would be productive in truly combatting the Abyss we have so fought for milennia past.

These continual infractions have both interfered with the Court of Flames' work and cast a dark shadow on the Court of Eyes' reputation, with many residents underground professing fear for their safety and a growing distrust of the Arcanum's researchers. In order to prevent the further deterioration of trust between our Courts, I, with the mutual agreement of Chief Constable Donovan Stone, have put this embargo in place until such time as the Arcanum has proven its ability to work cooperatively with our Court, with trust capable on both sides.

Negotiations to resolve this dispute are planned with the Arcanum's senior leadership, including the Grand Magister. I hope that through these talks a settlement will be reached, and the work of both of our Courts may continue once again in harmony, working with each step towards a brighter future for Galvia.

What about the embargo on Sarean migrants entering the Flames' territory?

As mentioned in the Constabulary's recent proclamation, the recent influx of migrants had indisputably led to an increase in violence, crime, and social disturbances all across our fair city. Nowhere, however, has been more the victim of this than our own Risky's Business, often frequented by Sareans with no business in our Court beyond drinking their days away, and inviting all the violence and brawls between themselves and Constables, Errants, and other patrons that comes with their presence.

While I appreciate the invisible pull of the market, I will not tolerate my Court gathering a reputation for lawlessness and violence, as a safe haven for criminals, thugs, and ne'er-do-wells to act without fear of reprisal or the law, be it the Constabulary's or the law of survival in our underground. The Court of Flames is the home of upstanding, hard-working Galvian men and women, here to do their jobs and to contribute to our city's future. Unproductive drunkenness, rioting, brawling, and loutish hanging around will not be tolerated, least of all from those foreign to our city and culture.

Those Sareans who truly wish to integrate within our walls are welcome to seek proper citizenship. Until such time, the threat they pose to the Galvian way of life cannot, and shall not, be ignored.

Pockets weighting you down? The Court of Flames is always accepting material contributions towards the production effort! Donate now, and you could be lucky enough to get a free weapon when stocks are replenished! Strike while the iron is hot -- donate to the Flames today!

RE: State of Galvia - Kippahkid - 10-15-2023

[Image: image.png?ex=653db6d0&is=652b41d0&hm=240...165040ee8&]
1056 AC

[Image: KJZg6Mw.png]
As part of a cost-effective method to save paper and parchment production, a mechanical eye, simply known as the PA System, has been installed on public boards within Arcanum to announce the news to interested parties. Transcripts have been printed and distributed to other districts. Until further notice, these transcripts were not brought into the Pit.

Board of Progress

With the young Grand Magister's first term, she has established her Board of Progress. The homunculi Nicterese has been grandfathered in as Senior Archaist of the Usurpation Division. Please disregard any rumors started by previous Grand Magisters. Malison has been named Senior Scholar of the Temerity Division, and Euthenia as Senior Philosopher of the Foresight division. Please direct any research proposals not involving the Abyss or major political requirements to Malison and artifacts or other physical items of research merit to Euthenia, respectively. The Senior Philosopher has implemented a research bulletin board in Arcanum. If you are in the Court of Eyes and are interested in current experiments, please refer to it.

Ban Status

Due to the current political climate, all Arcanum members are banned from the Artificery and Foundry. If you have received explicit permission to enter, note that you are the ambassadors! It is your respect, diligence, and honest work that will help restore trust among our great people of Flames and Briars! In cases where you have personally discussed abyss-relevant experiments with Grand Magister Magda, we congratulate you on having her notice. However, please disregard any updates on progress, as this is an actively developing situation. Meetings mediated by the Court of Chains and Court of Mirrors will be held. Await the announcement of an official resolution before proceeding. 

Court Picnic!

Due to reports of incohesion among the Court of Eyes, upper management has decided that a sufficient method to resolve misunderstandings is a Court Picnic! If you claim loyalty to Arcanum, watch for a time and date. Come for food, drink, and activities. Note attendance will be recorded to ensure proper records are kept. The winter may be cold, but with Arcanum innovation, we can make even the chilliest night feel like a summer afternoon!

If you have experienced any adverse symptoms after listening to the PA System, please inform your nearest Temerity Scholar to accompany you to the Ward.

RE: State of Galvia - GraveError - 10-16-2023

[Image: MKPU2mc.png]
1056 AC

"Take heart - The Courts of Galvia and their ability to cooperate and coordinate with one another will not collapse in the span of a year."

From the Top;

In Response

The Court of Mirrors will be cooperating with the Court of Chains in order to facilitate a smoother legal process involving the ongoing communication breakdowns between the Eyes and the Flames (and the Briars). While there was initial displeasure in how the decree was handled by the Court of Chains (see prior Court of Chains update, circa 1056), Councilor Charlotta recognizes that, until the perpetrators of this sordid affair between the Arcanum and the Artificery (and the Foundry) come forward for judgment, this is the safest response. Whether they will is another matter entirely. Nothing was mentioned regarding the Sarean ban, however.

In Relation

The Court of Mirrors has accepted the Complaint of the Subsurface Courts, submitted by Strici Blesse. A representative of the Court of Eyes is expected to come forward and cooperate with the Court of Mirrors in order to help resolve the ongoing affair. A Judge and Jury has yet to be appointed. All citizens of Galvia; Please expect a Jury Summons in your near future!

In Retaliation

The Lady Speaker of Mirrors would like to remind everyone of their individual rights as Citizens of Galvia. Being physically accosted for your affiliations to another court is considered assault. Attacking someone on sight for their Court affiliations is also not considered a warning- It is considered a felony. And that threatening the life of any Councilor is legally considered Terrorism, which is a capital crime. She hopes that no one will hold this against Councilor Raza Khan, and will continue working with him for the betterment of society. He is free to visit the Lady Speaker personally if members of her court entering his district is obstructing his ability to work. She is, if nothing else, amenable to suggestions.

Developments from the House

After a Meeting in the Parliamentary House of Mirrors, a few new laws, amendments, and Acts have now entered the Review Process. But first, a primer on how decisions are made in the Court of Mirrors:
Quote:The Speaker calls the Meeting to Order.

They establish what points are to be raised and by who during the course of this Meeting, in the Agenda.

The Speaker goes through this Agenda, allowing each point to be discussed, amended, struck, objected, or agreed upon.

Once there is a Consensus, they adjourn that subject and move to the next.

Once each point has been adjourned, Laws that require the input of another Court are on standby. The Court of Mirrors meets with the other Court to further discuss this Law, in order to clarify any points of order. If there are no objections, this Law is ratified. If there are, amendments are made, and the Court of Mirrors returns to discussing this with new information provided by the Court officiates in question. This last step is usually prepared for in advance, with discussions between the Mirror officiates and the other Courts happening ahead of time.

If this is a Law regarding the rights of all citizens, such as an amendment to the Court of Law regarding criminal behavior, then it is simply ratified.

The Speaker adjourns the Meeting.

With that out of the way-

For the Court of Feathers;

Noticing a gap in the Code of Laws regarding the worship of anti-Rhystian entities, a motion was passed to add 'Worship of Anti-Rhystian Entities' as a criminal act. Seeing as the Court of Mirrors is not an expert on the intricacies of Faith, however, the Court of Feathers has been invited to expand on the definition of what constitutes worship of an Anti-Rhystian Entity. For the time being;

Quote:Worship of an Anti-Rhystian Entity (Any sufficiently dangerous Entity with hostile intentions for the plane of Rhyst), is hereby considered a Felony.

For All Courts;

Realizing the underlying issue of unilaterally passing bans and restrictive decrees without the Mirrors' hearsay, the Court of Mirrors would like to reiterate;

Quote:No Councilor may pass any decrees without first ensuring they are approved by the Court of Mirrors. If the majority of sitting Councilors barring the Speaker vote to veto a decision by the Court of Mirrors in regards to this, it shall be vetoed. Within the House Meeting, The Speaker may not vote on this matter. This is more of a reminder, than any real change in the way the City functions.* 
* - as a reminder we do approve of the current bans.


In regards to the ongoing issue with what the Mirrors call the 'Rogue Researchers' and their treatment of members of the Subsurface Courts, the Court of Mirrors have chosen to ratify the following motion;

Quote:The citizen's right to cooperate and act with other members of other courts at their own personal discretion is to be protected and respected, and cannot be influenced by the will of any individual- Including one in a position of power over them. However, in the case of the Court of Chains and Court of Briars, a citizen in service to the protection of Galvia must first clear such intercourt affairs with their seniors, if this agreement or project would interfere with their ability to complete their work. This is a civil right.

In Conclusion

Going forward, in an effort to help establish better lines of communication, the Speaker has announced she will see to organizing a clear line between her Court and the Subsurface ones, so that such matters (like the Blood Drive Project) are more quickly and satisfactorily handled before they balloon out of control. 

The Court of Mirrors, as ever, serves its Citizenry first.