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Down For The Count.... - Printable Version

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Down For The Count.... - Mako is fishing - 10-16-2023

A Small excerpt of a journal lay on a desk, The ink freshly printed onto the parchment, A small message typed for one's self, laid on the page. 

It feels almost like yesterday, Since "it" happened.
Just another match, That's what they said. Just in and out, Five rounds, Three minutes a round, All pretty standard. I wasn't told that he was paid off to try and kill me in that ring though.
[Image: 28fa1bf780b08af20b1be607a4e43e70.png]
It was the day I found out about what my powers truly did. Is it a Blessing or a curse? Who knows even now. I didn't mean to kill him, I really didn't, It's not like it was a fight back home, You know? It was just.....Instinct, And I can't fix it, I can't bring him back to life, So I should at least own up to it in this journal, Right?
It's been five years since that day, To the day now. I never stop thinking about the monster I became all those years back, And I'm honestly afraid that it's too late to turn back, Too late to wash these gloves of the blood that stains them.
[Image: fc40b15368f7dab45e06ff48ad80c57a.png]
But, Trust me when I say, That the "Mason's Guild" or whatever they want to call themselves? I can hold off on the gloves being cleaned just for them, Assuming they didn't all go into hiding, That is.
But, I'm getting side tracked and monologuing, and I just want to get to the point of all this before I waffle on and have to replace the ink, Shit's not cheap.
Anyways, What I mean to say...Is that:
[Image: ed7e761573dcb9de170097d6d5b7282e.png]
I'm Sorry.
Thadrick Cunningham