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Galvia of Heresy - Printable Version

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Galvia of Heresy - Shilo - 10-16-2023

[Image: O2xKmnO.jpg]
With the sun having gone down and the all too silent night had fallen upon the city, a man moved about to all of the listing boards he could find and pinned to them a particular parchment.

Every board he had placed them on, an uncanny light resonated from them. Warming the snow that dusted them and melting it away without issue. Delayed only into the depths of the pit whereupon he had taken every step within carefully and to not rile suspicion while he snuck between alleyways and sought boards very few, he had figured, frequented.
 The work of that 'miracle' to his pinning, was muted down here, a silent resonance that brought little warmth and little room for the luminance as it were above. He had moved all the same though, hastily escaping until he went back up the steps and into the night sky the remaining parchments flew freely from his hands, upon that silent wind.

Wherever one may have stumbled upon his parchment, they would feel one thing present on it:
Light Magic.

To those inclined to read it, the parchment read:

Heresy! That's what they practice, fools given to the world in worship of alienated gods whose failures and faults lie just beneath their feet. Foolhardy and ready to flee all that is, was, and ever will be. A true god however roams this very world looking for worshippers. The mere presence of this parchment is proof of the miracles that he has wrought through me. Entwined as we are in this life, allow us to be entwined in the next. Find me wherever I may be in Galvia and inquire about it, this covenant awaiting members.

- Illyas Mamadi

[Image: 0S484LG.jpg]