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Arcanum: High Priority Notice - Printable Version

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Arcanum: High Priority Notice - Kippahkid - 10-18-2023

The PA System's eye opened about a day's worth of time after the Grand Magister was seen leaving the council chambers.

[Image: KJZg6Mw.png],

"People of the Arcanum, I regret to inform you that I must carry out the immediate expulsion of researchers Ash and Rain. Furthermore, the Court of Eyes no longer sanction their current projects. The council has decided their actions do not align with Galvia's after transgressions against council authority. Chief Constable Donovan warns any other Sareans and 'foreigners' within Arcanum that the inability to conform to civility will result in worse punishments than expulsion.
Additionally, from now on, all future experiments involving any other Court will no longer need the sign-off from just Malison or I but the sign-off from that district's counselor as well. The Arcanum ban remains until further notice. Despite any setbacks, progress shall continue."
-Grand Magister Magda 

The PA System's eye shuts. The Grand Magister has made her decree. What will this entail for Arcanum as it advances?