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Hospital Memos: Important Updates - Printable Version

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Hospital Memos: Important Updates - Sharrayzen - 10-17-2023

To: All Medical Staff and Research Personnel of the Hospital
From: Sissela von Lucine, CEO of Ward's Hospital
Date: Sometime in 1056(?) [I don't know, Man, I just work here]
Subject: Important Updates: Procedures for Ensuring Patient Safety and Collaborative Research
Dear Team,
Due to the ongoing issue of finding time to rally all medical personnel together at once, I wanted to take a moment through this memo to discuss some important changes and procedures we will be implementing at Ward's Hospital. Our commitment to providing the highest quality of care to our patients and advancing medical research remains unwavering, and these changes are intended to strengthen our practices and protect the well-being of both our staff and our patients.
1. Usage of the Medical Database System
[Located in 'feather's channel - > Pins -> Medical Database]
One of the key changes we are introducing is the mandatory and diligent usage of our established Medical Database System. This database is a vital tool that not only ensures the protection of our doctors but also plays a crucial role in documenting and providing quick access to the medical history of our patients. It is imperative that every patient's records are well-documented and easily accessible to their treating physicians. This not only facilitates efficient healthcare delivery but also safeguards our patients' well-being.

I cannot stress enough the importance of adhering to proper documentation procedures. Failure to do so not only jeopardizes patient care but also subjects our doctors to potential lawsuits and creates future difficulties when treating patients with preexisting conditions. Every diagnosis, treatment, and prescription must be carefully recorded, ensuring clarity and accuracy.

2. Documentation of Project Records
[Located in 'feather's channel - > Pins - > Medical Database - Under Resources -> Project Database]
In line with the documentation standards, we must also address the documentation of Project Records that utilize hospital and Ward resources. Research, innovation, and the development of new medical practices are central to our mission. However, it is essential that every research project is meticulously documented for collaboration and transparency. Any research discovered operating without proper documentation will be subject to severe consequences. These consequences may range from revoking the medical license to operate within Galvia in association with the Ward to potential legal actions.
3. The Collective Responsibility of Medical Discoveries
Lastly, I want to reiterate the importance of sharing medical discoveries and research. No single doctor is above the cause. It is our collective responsibility to ensure that new findings and innovations are shared amongst the Ward's Hospital team. This collaborative spirit is imperative in potentially saving future lives and advancing our field.
In closing, these procedures are intended to strengthen our commitment to patient safety, responsible research, and the highest standards of healthcare delivery. I kindly request each one of you to familiarize yourselves with these procedures and adhere to them without exception. Together, we can continue to provide the exceptional medical care that Ward's Hospital is known for.
Thank you for your dedication and hard work.

In conclusion: As of Winter of this year, please allocate the time to backdate all held paperwork into the current system. Thank you.
May the stars guide your way, peace peace,
Sissela von Lucine CEO, Ward's Hospital