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Character Opinion Thread: Galvia Edition™ - Printable Version

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Character Opinion Thread: Galvia Edition™ - AbstractTraitorHero - 10-19-2023

  1. Make an in character opinion about the character above you.
  2. You must post as a character you play/played.
  3. If you've never met the character, then don't post, unless it's been a week or two.

The starter of this thread plays the homunculus Yvaine! 

RE: Character Opinion Thread: Galvia Edition™ - Tipsyrooster - 10-19-2023

"Ah yes, that most peculiar and short homunculus from the gentry! I know not why they would lie so directly about mutations and time spent in the abyss. Five years? i would be shocked if they'd survive even five seconds! Wahahahoink!"

- Hogarth Swinegard

RE: Character Opinion Thread: Galvia Edition™ - ZenoRockbell - 10-19-2023

"Grem could take 50 Hogarths in a fight. Totally."

- Grem Lin

RE: Character Opinion Thread: Galvia Edition™ - ElatedAkira - 10-19-2023

"I like her. She's decent enough, hasn't proven so otherwise. Not yet at least. Although, ah... I'm not so sure about the grim reaper get-up. Does she even look like that anymore? I have no clue, haven't seen the green little runt in a while-

...And I likely won't."

- Rowan Stigr

RE: Character Opinion Thread: Galvia Edition™ - MazinGo - 10-19-2023

"I swear, every teenager after the war decided they wanted to bloody their hands with the extraplanar...

He is blessed to have been caught so early on during his stay in Galvia, though I admit my shame in not knowing sooner. There is hope for him, as there is hope for all mortal men and women. Should I reach him, then his soul may yet be saved. The question to ask is whether Rowan will accept the offered hand or cling to what he has chained himself to.

An interesting trial; we will see what he chooses."


RE: Character Opinion Thread: Galvia Edition™ - Mako is fishing - 10-19-2023

“I REMEMBER SEEING:him around the:LEGION HOUSE. HE: is one of: THE SONS OF: Zahhak’s BLESSINGS. THEREFORE: he is an: ALLY AND A: trusted friend. May: HIS PATH BE:laden with the:GREATNESS HE DESERVES.”


RE: Character Opinion Thread: Galvia Edition™ - Fledermau - 10-19-2023

"You don't seem quite as. Bad. But genuinely. Figure out a way to. Change your voice. My legs ache when I. Hear you talk. - I hope you prove to be more. Tolerable."


RE: Character Opinion Thread: Galvia Edition™ - chaoko99 - 10-19-2023

"Confused, not malicious."
- Xianghua

RE: Character Opinion Thread: Galvia Edition™ - Tipsyrooster - 10-19-2023

"Seems a bit too caught up in the destiny of others, from my most limited conversation with them. Also, they should probably eat more, they seemed to bear little strength! I recommend a diet of at least four thousand more caloric units."

- Hogarth Swinegard

RE: Character Opinion Thread: Galvia Edition™ - TheMageOfDoom - 10-20-2023

"Large, boisterous, but seemingly good-natured. I have no complaints about one so earnest in his views."

-Vanya Kench'ra