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High Council of Galvia: Meeting Notes and Statements - Printable Version

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High Council of Galvia: Meeting Notes and Statements - friend - 10-19-2023

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Earlier this week, a citizen reported a young Sarean couple to have been engaging in activities befitting those of an Anti-Rhystian Extraplanar Entity's cohort, and upon diligent investigation and interrogation, the tip-off appears to have been correct. Though this reflects poorly upon the Refugees of Sarea, I urge the citizens of Galvia to display proper decorum and etiquette towards non-Galvians -- after all, to emulate those you deride as "unwashed barbarians" is to embrace their ways -- a sentiment most un-Galvian. 

Such a discovery was only possible through the selfless action of a Tsaddi Outrider, and the High Council of Galvia wishes to extend its thanks upon the Har'skal family, for even as Desert Folk, did they act in the name of Preserving Rhyst and Her Peoples. For this, I wish to remind all Galvians that if a member of the Tsaddi Desert wishes to integrate into Galvia, it is our Duty to place them within our society, and ensure they remain productive. The transfer from the hot sands of Tsaddi to the cold cobbles of Galvia is a stark change, indeed.

To quickly gloss over the matter of Exile: Rowan Stigr, Lesser Thrall of Rin Stigr, has been placed within the care of the Foundry to atone for his crimes. In time, do we hope to reform the young Stigr into a productive member of society. This was a unanimous decision by the High Council of Galvia.

However, in the case of Rin Stigr, her actions and goals have left us with no choice but to exile her from the safety of Galvia, after she revealed herself to openly be a Servant of the Void. She channeled her vile magicks inside Galvia, and showcased her True Form as a Slave to Vul'karik. Full exile was the only choice left. This was a unanimous decision by the High Council of Galvia. Paludrex's Order demands that we allow them to atone in their own time, but make no mistake: should the beast retread upon our lands, we will execute her as a warning to all Would-Be Cultists:

Galvia is a land of the free, unmarred by the perversions of the Extraplanar. I will permit no uncouth behaviour within these walls.

For any inquiries, you may direct all concerns towards myself, the Chief Constable.

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I am happy to report that the Foundry/Artificery [THE COURT OF BRIARS/FLAMES] - Arcanum [THE COURT OF EYES] reconciliation has begun after a successful meeting brokered by the High Council of Galvia. The Arcanum [THE COURT OF EYES] and her Grand Magister have been allocated a year's worth of time to perform wide-spread policy and culture change of her District. In good time, do we hope to see the Arcanum re-enter the good graces of Galvia, and operate not as a ramshackle division powered by the inert, inept, and insane, but a beacon of progress, a Herald of the coming days.

If a suitable change of culture and policy fails to happen within the allocated year, I have been empowered by the High Council of Galvia to ensure Paludrex's Order graces the Arcanum [THE COURT OF EYES] to the full extent of the Law. Make no mistake: great change is coming for the Arcanum [THE COURT OF EYES], and I can only hope that it is one spurred by the people, and not one enforced by my hand. Assuming all is well after a year, even the crimes of the past can be forgotten -- and if a reasonable solution fails to present itself between Court members, I will remember all slights against Galvia and her Laws.

Galvia is a land of Humanity, Dignity, and Progress. The Arcanum [THE COURT OF EYES] has forgotten that. We will remind them of that, gently, and if necessary, by force.

A reminder, though that Nicterise may have brazenly declared to shift and move all blame upon others, whilst also declaring intention to continue her ways of depravity and unsanctioned research, whilst also declaring that she had no remorse, guilt, or care for her uncouth ways, in front of three Councilors and two officers of the Law, you need not follow in her footsteps.

Progress gained by unethical behaviour erodes what Galvia is at its core, and further pushes our Great City into uncivility. You are masters of your own destiny, and may choose your own path: one smiled upon by Paludrex's Order.

For any inquiries, you may direct all concerns towards myself, the Chief Constable, or any Councilor who is currently seated upon the High Council of Galvia.


In addition with the Chief Constable Donovan Stone's words and the High Council's decision, a word of warning from the Court of Mirrors. To allow your Court to fall to anarchy is to fail Galvia in the eyes of Paludrex. Should the Arcanum fail to change despite the Grand Magister's greatest efforts, then it is my hope that the rebellious scholars that fed into all of this realize that their grand designs crumbled around them only because of their own hubris.

The Court of Mirrors would like to reassure those who have been victimized by the Blood Drive Project that payouts will happen regardless of the results of the Trial, in accordance with the quote-unquote 'bankruptcy claims' by its Project Lead, Nicterise. Therefore the Court of Mirrors will be overseeing any and all financial reimbursement. What was offered for this arrangement we are not prepared to disclose yet, but keep in mind that the Court of Mirrors always gets its due.

Taking advantage of your fellow citizens, thinking they are beneath the care of this city- It is revolting behavior, even from the Arcanum. As a Galvian, it is your duty to speak up if you have been witness to such crimes against your own people.

For any inquiries regarding the upcoming Trial (date to be announced), you may direct them towards the Lady Speaker.


I would be remiss not to mention the recent sacking of two young foreign Researchers, of whom many are aware of. For their part in the Blood Drive, attempting soliciting third party assistance to bypass Councilor Decrees, and assaults placed upon their fellow citizens, the High Council has unanimously agreed for their removal from the Arcanum [THE COURT OF EYES].

It is my hope, and all of the Council's, that in the future they can reform themselves, returning to contribute to Galvia. However, these actions were beyond forgivable, especially for one who is just setting foot upon our soil. A fair hand is not just a gentle one, but in times of overwhelming need, a firm one.

Remember, as a foreigner -- you not only represent yourself, and must act upon your best behaviour, but you represent all your peers. To act against the Social Contract of Galvia, is to bring yourself and your own people down. Steadiness and temperance will be required, going forward.

For any inquiries, you may direct all concerns towards myself, the Chief Constable, or the Grand Magister.


To the expelled individuals- You may one day be forgiven but examples must be set. You may be looking for a life in our city, but you must operate by our city's laws. So here is a word of advice; Consider putting your efforts elsewhere for now.

As the age old adage goes, do what you must, before you may do what you want.

If needed, consultants within the Court of Mirrors may direct others towards alternative means of proving one's worth to the City of Galvia. If you are an outsider looking in, please consider speaking to members of the Gentry, who will be intimately familiar with the many opportunities within this City.

You may ask questions regarding Galvia to myself, the Lady Speaker, or any of my constituents.

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It is with a heavy heart that I announce the passing of Pit Boss Raza Khan, Errant, Diver, and Galvian -- aged twenty eight.

The Abyss is a source of Galvia's greatest struggle, and the brave and willing are pitted against the unyielding forces of Destruction. Mutations oft seep through an Errant's core, changing them permanently -- often for the worse. Raza Khan was no different.

His father, the prior Khan, contracted an Abyss-inflicted mutation that caused rapid degeneration of his leylines, slowly putting the old Errant to death. This affliction was passed on through his blood, and the young Raza inherited a disease most terrible. His life's work was dedicated to delving and securing the Abyss, in an attempt to find a cure for his affliction -- as unlikely it may have seemed to breakthrough, Raza Khan performed beyond any could've asked for him.

Raza Khan's struggle is at an end, and for it, Galvia is weaker. As his last wish, his Underboss, Nailah, has been made the interim Pit Boss of the Foundry [THE COURT OF BRIARS]. 

We ask all Citizens of Galvia, not just those of the Pit, to pay their respects towards Raza Khan, and the Divers who have lost their stalwart leader. It is upon their toil that we stand.

For any inquiries, you may direct all concerns towards myself, the Chief Constable, or the Interim Pit Boss.


Though he spoke publically of his displeasure with my Court of Mirrors, in truth I have nothing remarkable to note concerning Raza Khan as a colleague. He did everything expected of him for a man in his unfortunate position. May his sacrifices for Galvia be written into the bricks of this city's foundation. And also, my condolences to his Divers. Good luck to Interim Pit Boss Nailah.


The Interim Pit Boss reminds all Citizens that the Foundry [COURT OF BRIARS] will continue to function as it did under the administration of Raza Khan. Fighting back against the ever encroaching threat of the Abyss remains the District's primary mission and reopening the lower passages into the Dark to resume expeditions remains the main priority.

For any inquiries, you may direct all concerns towards the Interim Pit Boss, Nailah.