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Unholy Matrimony - Printable Version

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Unholy Matrimony - Eri - 10-19-2023

[Image: 3d96578027c98f02171c742cd36dcdcc.jpg]
An Accursed Pair

In a horrific revelation, it is found that Rowan Stigr and Rin 'Serenity' Stigr have meddled with the Extraplanar. The latter of the two is revealed to be a Voidborn monstrosity and a servant of the Demon General, Onryo. Through the efforts of the Constabulary, the duo were revealed for their true natures, with the Demoness ousted from the city. No more do the lovers
 walk the streets freely, and orders to kill either on sight have been established should they violate the terms of their exiles.


Darkness is eternal. Somewhere out there, Rin Stigr remains, a Voidborn capable of spreading unthinkable corruption amongst the hearts and minds of men. Rowan Stigr as well, serving in the Foundry as he is, doubtless knows some secrets of Vul'Karik's realm. Shadows remain so long as either exists, and the pure city of Galvia has seen it's light ever-so-slightly tainted by the presence of the Void.