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Advice (and gossip!) from the Wise - Nicterise's Column - Printable Version

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Advice (and gossip!) from the Wise - Nicterise's Column - Sishio - 10-20-2023

From the notice-boards of every street, inn, and inner bastion of the Courts comes a letter printed on behalf of Nicterise Lichas, Chief Archaist of Usurpation, that woman you may have heard of - and might even dislike! Here and now, her plea stares you in the face, shimmering with the purple glow of magic in your mind's eye. It waits for your response, whether it be by letter or speech, ferried straight to the offices of the Archaist, where it is mostly safe for paper to be. 

Hello, my dear friends of fairest Galvia!
I want to understand you.
I want to understand each one of you!

I realize I have done wrong by the city. Due to the hubris of blood, the follies of my many assistants, I have caused a rift in our city, and possibly anemia in you. This is no good. So here is my penance, my hand reaching out to clasp yours and promise: it will be right again! I am writing a column, to be published frequently, wherein I shall answer the woes of our city's dwellers - whatever they might be.

So write to me, dear reader, whoever you may be. Your question, and my good advice, will be published for the benefit of the entire city! Under a pseudonym, of course! Fear not, for I have also cunningly added a section where you can request the help of the Senior Archaist (that is, me) to help directly with your various plights and sundry! Please note that I cannot do anything illegal or immoral at this time as my trial is pending and I do not want to be castigated by Charlotta, that dour cloud.
Please note that if you are Charlotta, I am very cross with you!!! Also it is legal to do this - I checked!

P.S. I am also adding a few fun pieces of gossip to each column, to boost my readership. It is in good fun! But everything you read is true...? You must contribute one little bit!

In Fair Mystery,
Nicterise! (your dear friend)

Will you speak to the magic, and send your advice (or gossip) along the ways of eld? Please respond! Nicterise is waiting!