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It's a Bird! It's a Plane! - Printable Version

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It's a Bird! It's a Plane! - King_Doggo - 10-23-2023


[Image: 18FM5Rv.png]

"-Breaking tonight!

A mysterious object seen darting off the horizon of the cities' southeastern coastline appeared mere moments after clock struck Midnight, seemingly launched not from space - But from some landmass several thousands of kilometers out.

While it has been determined that the impact point will have no impact on the wellbeing of the citizens of Galvia, the question remains on many peoples' minds - 'What was that thing? And where does it come from?'

Samples taken from the impact sight reveal no debris that could correlate to some sort of meteorite, nor do any energy readings seem to indicate magic most foul - However, shoeprints in the disturbed dirt indicate movement heading west, towards the direction of the city entrance.

Reports from a few citizens whom were fortunate enough to be stargazing during the phenomenon have described the "body" of the unidentified flying object as humanoid, yet also sufficiently warped enough by speed to raise valid concerns about the entity in question.

For now, citizens are reminded not to let hearsay corrupt their mind and remain ever diligent.

More to come for sure on this developing story, but for now - On to tomorrows weather report!"