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A Rainbow's Journey! - Printable Version

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A Rainbow's Journey! - Eri - 10-24-2023

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It seems like it was so long ago. A story that could almost begin with a ‘Once Upon a Time’. 

Though this would imply it is a fairy tale…

I suppose I only have myself to blame. My choices were my own. I painted myself the hero of the story, striking down villain after villain, until I pointed my blade towards the very heavens themselves and declared they too, were wicked and evil. A penultimate crime so foolish that a name did not exist for it, and thus only I, the grandest fool of all, would ever be able to commit it.

Why was it surprising to me then that those heavens should open up, and cast me down?

[Image: cc4950e166574dd29aa9da97dc14bebd.jpg]

The punishment was fittingly cruel. My allies cried out in protest, but the sound they made fell upon deaf ears. Judgment had already been made, and though I screamed and defied the fate which befell me…

I was erased.

My past before this, the story that made me who I was.


The features that graced my face. The smile and eyes that spoke of a kinder world.


The very thing that defined me as an individual. A thing no other had. My name.


They stripped me of anything that could identify me. My punishment was to exist without existing. A ghost of a person, changing on the daily to never be the same. My face, my eyes, my hair’s color and length, all of it, as impermanent as a castle of sand, to be washed away in a moment of time. A Nameless wretch that tumbles throughout history, attempting to do her best, but doomed to fail at accomplishing anything at all.

There’s probably supposed to be some kind of lesson in this. I’m apparently too dumb to learn it! Regardless of everything that’s happened, I’m still confident that I can make the world a better place if I try! Perhaps I lost sight of my vision last time, got messed up and made some mistakes, tripped over my own feet… But....

This time will be different! I promise!